export EDITIOR=vim
sets vim to be the default editor. it's probably not kosher to leave off the path, but it varies a lot between systems, so i just trust it's going to be available within $PATH
complete -W "$(echo `cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | sed -e s/,.*//g | uniq | grep -v "\["`;)" ssh
I'll happily admit this is voodoo to me, I could probably dissect how it works but i dont really care. takes hosts found in ~/.ssh/known_hosts and autocompletes them like filenames
alias ls='ls -FG'
alias ll='ls -FGl'
alias la='ls -aFGl'
colourful ls' with symbols to denote executable files and directories
alias h='history'
alias hg='history|grep'
less keystrokes for history and search of history means I use it more often
alias cp='cp -v'
I like to know the progress of long copy operations
alias df='df -H'
alias du='du -H'
who cares about bytes when you're dealing with hundreds of gigabytes. human readable please!
alias rm='rm -i'
saves me from brainfarts. overridden by rm -f
alias curl-easy="curl -C - -O "
an alias to make curl work more like fetch or wget. resumes automatically, saves the downloaded data named the same as it is on the server
kuşadası transfer
foça transfer
alaçatı transfer
didim transfer
karşıyaka transfer
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