dynamically defined methods in ruby
I've been playing around with dynamically creating methods today and it's mighty cool stuff. here's a very contrived demo class:
and me using it in irb
class Demo
METHODS.each { |name|
define_method("method_#{name}") do
puts "this method is named method_\"#{name}\" and you gave me the arg \"#{arg}\""
and me using it in irb
irb> demo = Demo.new
=> #<Demo:0xb7be8900>
irb> demo.method_one("this is an arg")
this method is named "method_one" and you gave me the arg "this is an arg"
=> nil
irb> demo.method_two("this is an arg")
this method is named "method_two" and you gave me the arg "this is an arg"
=> nil
irb> demo.method_four("this is another arg")
this method is named "method_four" and you gave me the arg "this is another arg"
=> nil